The indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides has been causing wide spread environmental pollution, resistance, resurgence of insect pests and is impacting food safety. Plant Health Management is vital for the sustainable agriculture, food security, food safety, agro based industries and economy of a country. |
To enhance the knowledge of the farmers on Plant Health Management, NIPHM is creating a pool of master trainers by training them on various aspects of PHM strategies. There is a need to train the Agriculture Extension Officers in AESA based PHM in conjunction with EE for PM to promote environmentally sustainable plant health management practices to reduce excessive reliance on chemical pesticides. Incorporation of biofertilizers, particularly mycorrhiza in agricultural practices play a vital role in promotion of soil health and uptake of important macro and micro nutrients by the crops. Biological control through parasitoids, predators and microbials constitutes a significant component in holistic management of insect pests and diseases as well as abiotic stresses. In view of complementarity and likely synergistic benefits of AESA based PHM implemented in conjunction with EE for PM, NIPHM is popularizing these concepts and is committed to create a pool of master trainers who in turn are expected to popularize AESA based PHM in conjunction with EE for PM among farmers. |
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I. Capacity Building Programmes 1. Agro-EcoSystem Analysis based Plant Health Management and Ecological Engineering for Pest Management |
Agro-EcoSystem Analysis (AESA) is based on experiential learning of farmers about the intricate and interdependent relationship of abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem and decision making by the farmers. Keeping in view the importance of sustainable pest management in rice crop, NIPHM organized crop specific, season long training programme on AESA based PHM in conjunction with Ecological Engineering for pest management in Rice & vegetables are organised |
2. Crop specific AESA - Rice |
In this programme the participants gain hands on experience by raising rice crop with different management practices with ecological approaches, System of Rice Intensification (SRI), Modified SRI, using Drum seeder for sowing, etc. Participants were also equipped with skills in On-Farm Production of Biocontrol agents viz., Bracon spp, Spiders, Reduviid bug, Trichogramma spp, Trichoderma Spp., Psuedomonas spp., Entomopathogenic fungi, Entomopathogenic nematode(EPN),etc. FFS methodology Integrated Soil Nutrient and Weed Management, Rhizosphere Engineering & Ecological Engineering for Pest Management are learnt by the participants |
The participants will conduct various short term experiments to study compensation ability, Pest and Defender (P:D) ratio, biodiversity of insects and mode of action of systemic insecticides. The abundance of Ladybird beetles, Spiders, Wasps, Syrphid flies, etc. is generally observed by participants due to presence of sunflower, cowpea, okra, onion, maize and marigold on the bunds due to ecological engineering for pest management. They also observe advantages of SRI and MSRI over drum seeder and existing practices. |
3. Crop specific AESA - Vegetables |
Thirty days training programme on "Crop specific AESA in Vegetables" is being organized, in which participants are given hands on practices on on-farm production of biocontrol agents and microbial biopesticides. During first 7 days module the participants are exposed to the principles of AESA, Ecological Engineering, Living Soil Concept, Rhizosphere Engineering, INM, IWM in different crops, expertise on weed management equipment, safe use of herbicides. Participants are also exposed to biological control, biointensive IPM, recognition of insect pests and defenders in different agricultural/horticultural crop ecosystems, Integrated Rodent Pest Management, FFS methodology, and principles of pesticide application technology. Participants will be visiting farmers' fields who adopted the concept of AESA and Ecological Engineering for Pest Management. |
4. Agro-ecosystem Analysis (AESA) and Ecological Engineering (EE) for Pest Management |
Participants learn principles of AESA based PHM in conjunction with EE for PM. Ecological Engineering for Pest Management relies on cultural techniques for manipulation of the habitat to enhance biological control. Participants are also trained in on-farm production of biocontrol agents. |
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5. Integrated Soil, Nutrient and Rhizosphere Management (ISNRM) |
Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) along with soil fertility plays a significant role in crop management through combined and harmonious use of organic, mineral and bio-fertilizer resources. Programme covers the principles of AESA, Ecological Engineering, Living Soil Concept, rhizosphere engineering, INM, Biofertilizers in soil nutrientmanagement,principles of soil nutrient Management,identification of plant nutrient deficiency symptoms, on-farm production of biofertilizers and bio-pesticides, integrated nutrient management for sustainable farming,soil test based nutrient management indifferent crops, vermitechnology in soil fertility management, Rhizosphere Engineering for Plant Health Management& impact of agrochemicals o soil biological properties etc. |
6. Production Protocol for Biocontrol agents (predators, parasitioides, microbial biopesticides) and Biofertilizers |
The use of natural enemies, biopesticides and biofertilizers is an alternative for sustaining high production with low ecological impact. Many insect parasitoids predators are able to kill the harmful insects or reduce their vigour and further multiplication. Similarly different soil-borne fungi and bacteria are able to kill or reduce the disease causing microorganisms and insect-pests, colonize plant roots and have beneficial effects on the plant. A number of technologies have been developed for mass production of the biocontrol agents and there is a need for quick dissemination of such technologies.
7. Production Protocol for Biocontrol Agents and Biopesticides |
NIPHM is offering 5 days training programmes on Production Protocol for Biocontrol Agents and Biopesticides.During this training course ,the trainees are provided hands on experience on mass production of different parasitoids, predators, microbial biopesticides and entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN). The various skills imparted are, mass rearing of host Insects for production of NPV; Corcyra for production of Trichogramma; Papaya Mealybugand its parasitoid, Acerophagus papayae; preparation of neem seed kernel extract (NSKE); mass production of, Trichoderma spp., Metarhizium sp., Beauveria sp., Verticillum sp., Nomuraea sp., Paecilomycis sp., Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus spp., etc.; preparation of mother cultures for biopesticides; Isolation and mass multiplication of EPN and techniques for development of bio formulations. |
8. Quality Assessment and Quality Management of Biopesticides |
Use of biocontrol agents and biopesticides for successful biological control of pests mainly depends on their quality and timely application. There is a need for capacity building, capacity in quality assessment and quality management of biopesticides. The trainees were provided with hands-on practices for quality analysis on quality standards such as testing of Helicoverpa armigera, Nuclear Polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV), Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, Entomopathogenic fungi, etc. This included both microscopic counts as well as bioassay methods for assessing quantity / quality. |
9. Production protocol for bio fertilizers |
NIPHM is conducting 5 days training programme on Production protocol for biofertilizers. This training programme imparts knowledge on various aspects of Production Protocol for Biofertilizers such as living soil concept, techniques for studying the root colonization by soil microorganisms, role of Biofertilizers in soil and plant health Management, protocol for establishment of biofertilizer production unit as per FCO 1985, facilitated hands on training on practical sessions on Protocol for isolation, purification of microbial isolates used in biofertilizer production, Isolation & identification of Mycorrhiza, characterization of microbial isolates used in biofertilizer production, and visit to government & private laboratories biofertilizer production laboratories, Mass production of Biofertilizers, quality Control of Biofertilizers and demonstration on low NIPHM cost technology like low cost On-farm production of biofertilizers. |
10. Production Protocol for microbial bio pesticides |
NIPHM is conducting 5 days training programme on Production protocol for microbial biopesticides. This training programme imparts knowledge on various aspects of Production Protocol for microbial biopesticides like. This training programme will impart knowledge on various aspects of the registered biopesticides under Insecticide Act, 1968, explained about preparation and maintenance of pure cultures of fungus and bacteria and production protocol and formulations for bio pesticides such as NPV, Trichoderma viridae, Pseudomonas spp, Entomopathogenic fungi, etc the establishment of microbial biopesticide laboratory, requirements to get accreditation as per ISO-17025. Concept on biological control of plant pathogens and isolation, identification and production of Trichoderma. . Hands on training on production of microbial biopesticides such as Trichoderama, Pseudomonas and EPF fungi by using NIPHM low cost production methods |
11. Good Agricultural Practices for PHM |
NIPHM is promoting good agricultural practices for plant health Management. For this PHM division has been organizing a 5 days training programme on Good Agricultural Practices for Plant Health Management to impart knowledge on Introduction to India GAP- BIS, Introduction to AESA based PHM and Ecological Engineering for pest management, Biopriming, Soil test based INM, Cultural practices, Sanitary, Phytosanitary, Food Safety issues in relation to GAP, Pesticide application & Storage techniques, On Farm multiplication and application of biological control agents. |
12. Production Protocol for Entomopathogenic Nematodes |
NIPHM is organizing a 5 days training programme on training programme on “Production Protocol for Entomopathogenic Nematodes” to impart knowledge on various aspects of “Production Protocol for Entomopathogenic Nematodes” aspects such as introduction to biological control -principles and concepts, on-farm production of host insect, Corcyra cephalonica and Wax moth, introduction to entomopathogenic nematodes, entomopathogenic nematodes as best tool for insect management, on-farm production of entomopathogenic nematodes, formulation of entomopathogenic nematodes, morphological and molecular identification of Entomopathogenicnematodes,success stories of use of EPN for the management of soil insect’s pests, application methods of EPN. |
13. Field Diagnosis and Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes |
NIPHM is organizing a 5 days training programme on “Field Diagnosis and Management of Plant Parasitic nematodes”to impart field level knowledge on various aspects of field Diagnosis and Management of Plant Parasitic nematodes aspects such as current status of plant parasitic nematode problems in India, plant parasitic nematodes of quarantine importance in India, on-farm production of Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, Pacilomyces lilacinus for the biological control of nematodes, introduction to Entomopathogenic nematodes, identification of plant parasitic nematodes. Demonstration on practical issues of plant parasitic nematodes, nematode problems in horticulture crops, nematode management in polyhouse and sampling and extraction of plant parasitic nematodes. |
14. Quarantine nematodes of economic importance |
NIPHM is organizing a 5 days training programme on “Quarantine nematodes of economic importance” to impart knowledge on various aspects of current Status of Plant Parasitic Nematode Problems in India, Plant parasitic nematodes of quarantine importance in India, nematodes in the international trade of agricultural commodities, introduction to entomopathogenic nematodes, identification of plant quarantine nematodes, discussion on practical issues of plant parasitic nematodes, nematode problems in horticulture crops, nematode management in polyhouse and sampling and extraction of plant parasitic nematodes. |
15. Plant Health Management in protected cultivation(Polyhouse) |
For the demonstration of the Polyhouse disease and insect management (protected cultivation) in different vegetables and flower plant cultivation, NIPHM made polyhouse facility to showcase the protected cultivation operations. On this back ground PHM division is organizing a 5 days training program entitled ‘Plant Health Management in Protected Cultivation to impart knowledge on about biorational pest management in protected cultivation, role of parasitoids in protected cultivation, role of EPF and NPV in protective cultivation, role of insect of predators in protective cultivation, role of EPN in polyhouse condition, use of biofertilizers in polyhouse cultivation and Protected cultivation of high value flowers and vegetables, good agricultural Practices and nematode management in protective cultivation, Integrated Disease Management of vegetable crops in green house, IPM in Protected cultivation. |
16. Certificate course on Plant Health Management in Organic Farming |
There is need of capacity building in farmers and professionals engaged in promotion of the organic farming. By adopting organic farming, farmers can produce safe food and fetch a better price in the local market. This will also facilitate the hassle free export of agricultural produce. In view of these facts, NIPHM is offering to offer a Certificate Course on ‘Plant Health Management in Organic Farming’. |
II. Special training programmes: |
1. Induction training programmes |
NIPHM offering 10 days training programmes to newly recruited staff from different state agricultural and horticultural department and DPPQS staff. In this training programmes PHM division is imparting different field level pest & disease diagnosis, remedial measures, AESA and Ecological Engineering based insect pest management strategies, introduction to biological control, soil health management practices, INM and weed management, hand on training on production of bio control agents, biopesticides and biofertilizers, |
2. Skill development training programmes on Vermicompost Producer |
NIPHM is recognised with Agriculture Skill Sector Council of India (ASCI) for organizing of skill training program on Vermicompost producer under National Skill Development Mission (NSDM). The programme aim to creating job opportunities/self-employment to rural community to start their own business/adopting latest techniques adopting the organic crop protection techniques. |
III. Farmers training programmes |
On farm production of biocontrol agents and biopesticides |
NIPHM has developed simple methodologies with the available low cost inputs for the mass production on of biocontrol agents and microbial biopesticides at farm level. It is offered as 5 days training programme to the extension functionaries of State and Central Government. |
IV. Collaboration with Central, State Government Organisations & others |
1. Collaboration with Agriculture Department, Government of Maharashtra |
Training Programmes on "Principles of Agro-Eco System Analysis and Ecological Engineering for Plant Health Management for the Officials of Maharashtra State Department of Agriculture under CROPSAP Project" were organized by NIPHM. |
2. Collaboration with Maharashtra Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture (PoCRA) |
To support poverty reduction and shared prosperity in India, the Govt of Maharashtra is implementing Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture (PoCRA) funded by world bank. The project promotes inclusive rural growth, development and dissemination of new agricultural technologies, climate-resilient agriculture, enhanced market linkages for small and marginal farmers, and improved water and natural resource management. |
3. Collaboration with Tobacco Board, Government of India |
NIPHM entered into an agreement with tobacco board for promoting biointensive management of pests in tobacco crop-ecosystem. Training programmes are organized for Tobacco Board Officials from Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka States. They are imparted with hands-on practices in basics and specialized skills of all sustainable plant health technologies. |
4. Collaboration with KVKs of ICAR, SAUs and NGOs |
In order to promote AESA based PHM in conjunction with Ecological Engineering for Pest Management, besides organizing capacity building programmes for Master Trainers of KVK centers. NIPHM has also launched an initiative to collaborate with KVKs including those functioning under NGOs. |
5. MoU with Indian Institute of Horticulture (IIHR) |
Memorandum of understanding was don with IIHR on Plant health technology in Horticultural Crops for demonstration and capacity building on 28.06.2019. |
6. MoU with Sri KondaLaxmanTelangana State Horticultural University (SKLTSHU) |
A memorandum of agreement (MoU) was signed between NIPHM and SKLTSHU on 23.06.2021. The purpose of MoU is to have collaboration in the area of knowledge sharing in the field of plant health management, partnership in workshops/seminars/conferences, training students of UG and PG. NIPHM-SKLTSHU collaboration will help for promotion of on farm production of biocontrol agents and their usage in horticulture crops and protected cultivation. |
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7. MoU with ICAR- National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources |
This Memorandum of Understanding is made on this 24th day of July, 2019 by and between the ICAR- National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, having its Head Office at Bellary Road, H.A. Farm Post, Hebbal, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560024, a constituent Research Institution of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001 on the ONE PART and National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), having its headquarters at Hyderabad, Telangana, an autonomous party under Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, a constituent of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, on the OTHER PART (who for the purpose of this MoU are hereinafter collectively referred to as the parties).
IV. Village adoption programme |
1. IPM Model Village for demonstration and promotion of Plant Protection Technologies |
NIPHM is popularizing eco-friendly bio intensive approaches to enhance the knowledge of the farmers on Plant Health Management. |
2. NIPHM outreach programme on promotion of Organic Farming in peri-urban areas |
As promotion organic farming in peri-urban areas, NIPHM has been selected Chowdarapalli (Village) in Yacharam (Mandal), Rangareddy district. Under this village adoption programme, officials from NIPHM along with filed level horticultural staff staff are visiting tothis village and imparting demonstration on various aspects of PHM strategies for plant protection and giving assistance. |
Completed Projects |
1. “Investigations on Entomopathogenic Nematodes for the Management of Major Insect Pests of Vegetable Crops in the region of Andhra Pradesh; Duration: 2013-2016 |
Outcome: Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) were found effective against root grubs of sugarcane, diamond back moth in cabbage and other lepidopteron insect pests in vegetables |
2. Mass production of selected reduviid predators in the agro-ecosystems in Southern Indian States (DST- SERB Fast Track Young Scientist Scheme) |
Outcome: Mass production of reduviid predators as bio control agents in IPM can: Reducing the sole dependence on chemicals was achieved, Prevented ecological backlashes (resistance, resurgence, repetition, enhanced microbial degradation, loss of wide life etc.,) and thereby promoting sustainable agriculture, Created awareness of bio control of these reduviid predators among farming community, Established reduviid predator producing unit as laboratory to land programmme. |
3. Nematodes problems and their management in Telangana state3. Nematodes problems and their management in Telangana state |
Outcome: Response to technology adoption in nematode management is very good in case of guava cultivation. However, the result is very quick and encouraging in protected cultivation. Numbers of poly houses around Hyderabad and guava growers have been adopted nematode control measures suggested by NIPHM and are successfully operating. |
4. Use of Entomopathogenic nematodes for the biological management of Spodoptera litura in Castor |
Outcome: Spodoptera litura (F.) is an obnoxious cosmopolitan pest that causes serious damage to different economic crops. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) have proved how potential to control the S. litura larvae than the other tested isolates, with larval mortality rates > 90% after 48 h of exposure. |
5. District Pest Management Plan – Warangal Dt, Duration 3 years |
Outcome: The implementation of the District Pest Management Programme in the Warangal rural and Warangal urban districts helped farmers become more aware about the good agriculture practices. Since the implementation of the project was a holistic effort involving most of the extension methods and outreach activities by MANAGE and NIPHM, there were intense activities in terms of the adoption of the pest and disease management strategies in the district. The erstwhile practice of using the chemical method of controlling the pests and diseases has led to the holistic method of integrated pest management practices (IPM) involving the biological, cultural and physical methods of pest and disease control. |
6. Study on Impact of Indiscriminate use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides Duration: 3 years |
Outcome: In 6 crops various pests, natural enemies and their interactions were studied. NIPHM as nodal agency and 7 agricultural universities and 1 horticultural university participated in the study. In general, population of natural enemies was high in organic field. Diseases incidence was mostly seasonal and varied from centre to centre. The variation in yields can be attributed to the variety, dosage of different fertilizers and soil health status at different locations. History of replacement of primary pest with secondary pest revealed that some secondary pests are attaining status of major pest. The chemicals induced resurgence to pests like BPH of rice and mites in chilli was observed. The enhanced and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers/ pesticides has led to the depletion of soil fertility, microbial populations and reduction in soil quality. Practicing of organic and IPM methods may be a promising strategy to replace inorganic fertilizers and pesticides and reduce cost of crops production as well. |
Ongoing Projects |
1.Deciphering The Mechanism of Resistance to Root Lesion Nematode in Chickpea by Using Genetic and Genomic Approaches |
Soil samples were analysed received from the farmer’s field to get Root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thorni) for the chickpea germplasm screening. We could not get the required species of nematodes for the experiments same is discussed with other collaborators from JNKVV Jabalpur MP/ TNAU Coimbatore and planned to send the Technical assistant (Nematology) after appointing to collect the soil samples infested with root lesion nematode in chickpea crops with office permission. |
2.AICRP on Biological Control of Crop Pests (ICAR-AICRP-BC)-NIPHM, Hyderabad (Volunteer Centre) |
i.Evaluation of NIPHM white media for production of Nomuraearileyi (Metarhiziumrileyi) NIPHM MRF-1 strain for management of Maize Fall Army worm (Spodopterafrugiperda) |
ii.Biodiversity of natural enemies of maize ecosystem |
3.IPM model villages under Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Programme (TN-IAMP) |
NIPHM and Department of Agriculture, Tamil Nadu has entered into a MoU for take up project on ‘Model IPM village’ under the scheme of TNIAMP on 17th March, 2020 with objectives like to provide technical assistance to all beneficiary farmers in 20 IPM villages under the Lower Palar Sub basin for establishment of cost effective sustainable Bio-control Agents’ production units in Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, to train the farmers in understanding of Good Practices in production and quality maintenance, to provide the mother culture and media initially based on the existing norms of the institution, to prepare the Standard Production Protocol Manual in Tamil on ‘On-Farm Production of Bio-control agents’. |
© 2017 NIPHM